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And solutions for gold inventory bug?


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Hey guys!


I'm kind of new to these forums, so please forgive me if I make a mistake or post this where it doesn't belong.


The problem is that my gold is no longer listed in my inventory (normally found under miscellaneous or all). I still have the gold (the gold I have can be seen at the bottom of the screen near my weight allowance).


It's not a problem with merchants, since I can buy and sell items with no problem. It *does* become an issue, however, when I try to use my gold with anyone by way of dialogue. By way of example, I first noticed it when I tried to sail back to Skyrim from Solstheim - I couldn't leave, since the transaction with the sailor is done by way of dialogue option.


Switching to another save game doesn't fix the problem, either, since whatever causes this bug it infects all the other save slots.


I've searched here, google, and several other skyrim forums for a solution to this. While I've found others who have reported the same issue, I haven't seen anything by way of a fix, solution, or workaround.


Anyone have any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



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I guess youre playing Skyrim on a ps3 or xbox360 cause i never heard about this bug in the pc version,and gods be praised there isnt a few here lol.


if you rule out modding,only thing left is bethesdas fine patching (like they care), what patch are you using and can you revert to an earlier one?


ive actually played this on ps3 :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: ouch,and if my memory serves me i believe that gold only shows up in misc. when you open a chest or safe maybe its the same on pc he he cant remember really gotta launch up the game and find out.

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Actually, no, I'm playing on a PC (my laptop) via Steam and the SKSE launcher. :)

Although, you're right, all of the instances I came across of other people with this bug have all been on platform systems.


Gold normally shows up in Misc, or All; or, at least it used to, before this bug hit. Now, it only shows up at the bottom of the screen by my health stats.


Like I said, I can buy from vendors and such not a problem, since I still have the gold on some level. The problem is when I try to use the gold in some kind of dialogue option (which is why I'm stuck in Solstheim, since the sailor takes the money for the trip by dialogue option rather than the buy/sell interface).


As for the patch I'm using, I have to confess that I don't know, honestly. How would I find out?

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you can find out what patch youre using by open your inventory screen and at the bottom left below quit it should be there :smile:


are your game modded and are you using all the avalible tolls like boss and tes5edit ??


if your bug persists after using boss and tes5edit i suggest you reinstall the game without any mods.


I know its frustrating starting all over :down:


reinstall a fresh game w.o mods,use steam to patch it to 1,9 , grab the unofficial skyrim patch,Dawnguard patch,dragonborn patch and hearthfire patch,Start out with a few mods 5-10 i say and skse if its required of course , run boss and use tes5edit to clean update,dragonborn,dawnguard and the hearthfire plugins (Not the patches) theyre already cleaned.


Do this and you shouldnt have this issue anymore.


Hope you get it sorted :smile:


if you got the legendary edition its already patched to 1,9

Edited by thomriis
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Thanks for the assist Thomriis.


I had to uninstall everything and start from scratch, and it turns out that the bug itself is still there!


However, on the flip side, I *was* able to buy a horse from the Whiterun stables, which is done by dialogue option.


Perhaps it's no longer a problem? I don't know, but I'll keep you posted when I find out more. Thanks again.

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