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A bunch of useful ini tweaks for QoL and immersion

Guest deleted2027229

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Guest deleted2027229

Open the Skyrim.ini (My Documents / games / Skyrim) and edit the following -


bEssentialTakeNoDamage=0 - Allows any NPC to be killed (no more immortal NPC)

bVATSdisable=1 - Removes archery + magic killcams

fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=8192.0 - Allows arrows to travel further instead of just dissapearing after a certain distance

fMapWorldYawRange=3600.0000 - Allows complete 360 degree rotation of the world map.

bShowTutorials=0 - removes all tutorial popups
uTicksToWait=16 - enables 60FPS loading screens
sPosePlayerRaceSexMenu= - small tweak that unbinds player hands on character create


bBorderRegionsEnabled=0 - removes invisible walls at the edge of the map
sIntroSequence= - removes bethesda logo... boot straight to menu from desktop
sMainMenuMusic= - removes main menu music if you prefer no music in game

bForceNPCsUseAmmo=1 - In vanilla... enemy archers have infinite arrows.... this tweak will make them actually use the arrows in their inventory, forcing them to switch to melee if they run out.




^ Completely centers the 3rd person camera when exploring or in combat. Basically it will not be over the shoulder but behind, and the camera shift when drawing a weapon will not occur.

Edited by WanderRA
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