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Named NPCs corpses never despawn.


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Is there a mod already that does this? If not, then could someone make a mod that prevents all the named NPCs from despawning when they die? I found this quote from the skyrim wiki (well, one of the skyrim wikis) that talks about a way to prevent despawning: "Non-respawning named NPCs can be turned into permanent corpses by placing a permanent or persistant item onto them. As long as the item is in their inventory, they will not disappear."


However, that relies on knowing where their body is. I would like to be able to walk around the world and see where important NPCs have died out in the wilderness. I've had a few followers and wives who have died while on transit to their homes, and I've never found out what exactly happened to them. Specifically, this desire for this mod is for that. To be able to go out and find people's bodies who would have simply disappeared in the normal game.


Plus, it'd be interesting to just randomly come across NPCs dead in the world. It'd feel more realistic that way. Sure, bodies would probably be eaten by wildlife, but bleh, that's not nearly as interesting.

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