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So, being that Baltimore would exist approximately 20-30 miles off of the Capitol Wastes map, wouldn't this make for an extremely logical mod? Sure, it would take a huge amount of work, but I'm sure that a team of contributors would be willing to get together. I, for one, would be willing to learn to mod in order to assist with this project.
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WOOOO BALTIMORE...Yeah I thought that would be in game >_> but yknow, Bethesda underdevelopes good games, releases them with an AWESOME mod system....leaving it to modders to finish their game : P Its win win for them...Yeah I ranted...



Anyways, since i live in baltimore, i'd support this mod through development if it had the Ravens in it.

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  • 1 month later...
If anyone is currently developing a Baltimore mod, or even thinking about it, I would be happy to help with any scripting and whatnot. I'm also a native Baltimoron ;) and could help quite a bit with the city layout, taking pics of landmarks, etc. I have some pretty good ideas for some storylines and locations already. Please contact me if you're thinking about this!!! This would be my first mod, so I'm not too excited about heading the project myself but I'm eager to help see Mobtown realized in the Fallout universe.
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