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Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley - disappearance of items when using totems


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I apologize in advance for my English, as I use a translator


I'm not sure if it's a vanilla game bug or if it's a bug that appeared to me because of mods, but I don't really like the things that are happening: if during teleportation to a farm or any other location you use hotkeys in the slot of which there will be an item, then this item will disappear from your inventory. Recently I have lost 3 galaxy swords, 1 pickaxe and 1 axe. In the case of swords, the rot simply disappeared, they could not be found. as for the tools, they dropped their progress to a primitive level and they should have been pumped absolutely from 0. First of all, I found the tools in the city's missing persons bureau. of the mods that make up the locations, I have only the continuation of the secret forest, the adventurers guild and the dam. I don't have any other mods that add new locations.

Edited by mukers
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