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Forgotten Vale player home


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As title says, i want to ask if modders would make a player home located in Forgotten Vale, which will be available after defeating Vyrthur (for exaple he has the home key), but that's optional.


What gave me the idea is that i'm playing now a Snow Elf character and i'd love to live there and study Falmer culture and that kinda thing, mostly roleplay, but there is no safe place to sleep or store stuff.


I would like it to be designed like interior of inner sanctum or shrines, and of course it needs to have a shrine of Auri-El or/and Akatosh as well as: alchemy and enchanting tables, smithing stuff, display cases, weapon racks, manequins.

For interested ones heres the link for best Snow Elf race mod in my opinion:

Any feedback about the idea will be appreciated!

Edited by Sebastien95
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Hey Sebastien95,


I can try to make you that home. But i need some more information! please tell me a hole lot of details! like :


-Type of house?

-Specific location where the house should be (Picture?)

-Where the things should be (Example : Forge in the basement, alchemylab in the yard etc.)

-Just some more details on the house?



You can check out my latest work : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/44462/?


Hope you reply soon!



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  • 3 months later...


Are you still active and willing to fulfill a mod request, concering a player home in the forgotten vale? Because I would be interested in this. I have checked out Vjarkel castle, but I did not the inside of that. Alternatively I would also be interested in a player home in the aetherium forge. We can discuss further details if you are interested.

Kind regards,


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Lorewise there should already be a settlement somewhere there, where snowelf holdouts lived before they where massacred by the betrayed. I find it highly unlikly they all lived in Auriels temple. Thus a player home would consist of an old building one just take over.
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..... and repairs it to it's full glory, with possible customizations:) I love the forgotten vale, the scenery etc so I would like a player home there, same for the aetherium forge. Then I can actually do more stuff there, as opposed to completing the quest and barely ever returning there.

Edited by Shadinator
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