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Fallout 3 Ending - Your Choice


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Three dog is doing propaganda for BoS.


A key difference would be that the stuff Three Dog said was, you know, actually true. Biased, yes. But true.


Eden out-right claimed that the Enclave created Project Purity and that James, Li and the BoS tried to steal it from them. So, yeah.


I think if i was avaible to join BoS or Enclave , i would join Enclave because of : air support, better equipment , and good ideals (much better than BoS )


Yeah, those ghouls are horrid, aren't they?


Seriously, I cannot express how much statements like that frighten me.

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Yeah, Enclave treats anything that isn't pure blooded human (ie. anything that wasn't BORN in a functional vault) as a pest that must be exterminated in order for the glorious united states of america to continue.


Outcasts are complete assholes, but BoS guys aren't too bad. Elitist, yes, but defender of most people at least.

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in my Opinion the ending must be...:


1.an enclave Helicopter falls into PP and messes everything up, Allowing you to continue OR


2.Liberty Prime Goes on Frenzy and Destroys PP


haha these aren't Real now are they?


but really, it can be Like this:


The Enhanced F.E.V Does everything WRONG and Causes Humans to become Mutants, Mutants to Behemoths, Behemoths to Godzillas and Godzillas to... oh, God Forbid...

Mutants gain the Ability to Reproduce With Humans (Male ones though). and thus Make an army to ermm... Eat everything for fun?

The Enclave Runs away from the Mutant Army like his mama is coming to whoop his ass. BoS Goes after the Enclave, Settlers Were made to Mutants, Megatons nuke Blows up, Tempeny Tower Falls Down, Rivet city Floods.

so after all this Remain the Invincible and Immortal, Glorious patriotic and Massive but small Army of KIDS of Little Lamplight to Fight the Muties in which they win without a Single loss.

after a Minute Bethesda Ruins Blow up and Todd Howard Comes Out to Help the Lone Wanderer Kill the Remaining Mutants. He has a Special Gun Called "Script Console" Which he Stole From GOD, a gun that makes him the Most powerful Being in the World (After GOD).


ooooof...I'm Tired of Writing...

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If I was presented the choice in real life, I would most likely put the virus in, as long as it wouldn't hurt me. It's not really being prejudiced against anyone. It's for the greater good, and if it means you have to kill thousands of innocent people for a chance to rebuild the Capital Wasteland, the U.S., or even the world, then so be it.
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Megaton virtually has a dictator as a leader, an ex-slaver doctor, a druggie, suspected child molester, Moriarty, Jericho, you get the point, it's not actually a nice place at all. Tenpenny Tower is full of bigots or murderous ghouls no matter what happens, Rivet city will probably struggle to stay morally clean seeing as it's a science driven complex, then there is the Republic of Dave, Andale, and we haven't even gotten to the raiders and mutants. There's a massive number of problems in the Fallout universe. the ghoul issue is a unique take on rascism, the factions on major powers all fighting for superiority. There's nothing stopping any of them from being as evil or worse than the Enclave.


I'm not saying this is all black and white, that's for you to decide, I'm not saying that it's hopeless or beyond help, but the BoS and Project Purity work of the notion that they can save it. It took us a long while for society to get to where it is now and we did it without having to deal with supermutants and post-apocalyptia. Their intentions are good, admirable at the very least, but they may not be practical.


Think about it, would you condemn generations of people to live in the wasteland, under constant fear of assault, death, abuse, disease, despotism or ghouls to remain persecuted and so different they can never really fit in with any society? There's so many things going on and the balance, if there is one, is extremely delicate. Everyone wants to fix the world. Realistically, the Enclave will probably do it much faster. Suppose the virus does work. It will, effectively, stop all the s**t in the wasteland. It could rebuild the world as it was before. The Enclave is probably the world's best shot at fixing itself.


The world can deal with a corrupt government or a nationwide famine, or a plague, or racial upheaval and discrimination, or a large scale war, but not all at once. The choice boils down to sacrificing thousands of lives now to spare millions of potential lives from the wasteland and to allow many more to live in relative peace, by comparison, or letting life do what it does, which seems to be sort itself out in the slowest, most painful way possible. Even with the purifier's help, things won't be pretty.


The biggest question is probably 'Is life worth living even if it's this bad? Even if there is absolutely no hope of fixing it in your lifetime, or your children's lifetimes, if you're lucky enough to have any.' You can't protect yourself, your family, anything you could ever be connected to is as good as dead from the very beginning. But does that warrant murder? Does that warrant genocide?


I honestly don't know.


Anyway, sorry for getting all serious but it seemed like the right thread to do it in.

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uhm but anyway uhmmmm yeah right ending:

i´d say the REAL Brotherhood from the westcoast arrives and finds everyone dead(exept the enclave)

eventhough the brotherhood does not care about those in trouble the decide to fight the enclave in order to get technology


the you can choos wether to fight for the enclave or the brotherhood

1. if the enclave wins the invade the westcoast too and bring a lot of people into slavery


2. if the brotherhood wins they steal all technology the can get and move on to the commonwealth to steal their technology


yeah in know its short

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Also this might be a little OT ... I have to say I don´t like the ending at all ... I had Fawkes with me, who can survive anything that has to do with radiation ... so why the hack can´t I just tell him to go in there turn on the purifier and I live Fakes Lives and the Lady from the Brotherhood lives as well and as I nice side effect the people learn that not all super mutants are evil and so on ....


... Besides that no one wants to know why a supermutant is traveling with you doesn´t speak for the game ... having played both I have to say I like oblivion much better and Bethesda could have done a far better job regarding FO3.




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