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Help with making a summoning lich spell


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I' m trying to create a summon lich spell. I'm making high levl throwing weapons and a store that will only sell to high guild levl thiefs. My suicide darts (10% reflect/dam health 5-35 over 30/restore health 1-15 over 60/ parlylize 15 sec/ summon lich. Since cast on strike gives Sommoned creatures to the strike-ee not the thrower (me). I want to give a chance of a very very bad thing happening if it works (lich) and if it back fires (10% reflect) You might get 5-35 health dam. Worst case, target gets lich and you get 35% health dam over 30 secs. Best case you get life gain and lich and target gets 35% life dam.
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Are saying that you want to make a "double bladed sword" for a dart? Interesting idea. Well make sure the first spell on the list is reflect. I don't know if refect works on summon spells though...

Anyway, I would just modify an existing summon and just make it a lich. Shouldn't be too hard... What problems are you having?

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I made a throwing Dart with the above mentioned stats. Yes reflect works quite well with summons. So 10 percent of the time i would get either a.5-35% life dam, over 30. B. palylized. c. restore health 1-15 over 60. D. lich . 90% of time target get those effects. It's working great. And since it's possible costs are very risky , You will not buy this expensive weapon for low levl critters. It has approx. a 75% chance of crippling/killling a target. 15% of making an easy fight hard. and a 10% chance of making an extremly hard fight/death sentence. I'm currently using gs instead of lich. But Feel calling a lich would be more in line with the theme of the dart(somthing like you pissed off death and he sent a lesser reaper(lich) to deal with you). The game play with dart is great....i"m using a levl 42 darkelf , And believe me When the dart works in your favor it"s awsome....But when it back fires your in for one heck of a fight.


Now I have played with editor for awhile, And i can't find anyway to make the "summon lich" a summoning spell. I can't assighn any spell to another summoning spell,,,unless it's already a summong spell, My question is , How do i make/change a summoning spell that reconizes the lich as the creature summoned

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