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A poem i wrote....


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The Oracles Return


In the second day of the fourth year

When the extra day shall appear,

Shall the Gates of Old awake

And open for Argethia's sake.

But only when the Crescents silver light

Shines brightly through the night,

And it's radiance land upon

The Gates four hours before dawn.

Only then shall come the Lady of Spring,

Of whom the songs of old doth sing.

Be watchful my people for this night,

For She will save our land from it's plight.



A poem I wrote a few years ago for my book "The Tale of Argethia"(it's not finished yet, I wrote the poem first) so tell what you think. :smile:

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Here's another poem I'm writing,


A Discription of Freedom


Freedom is like a bird that flies through the air,

Diving and soaring without a care.

Oh, how I wish I could be as free

As that bird that soars high above the sea.






It's still a wip so, let me know what you think.

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