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Wall-E Mod?


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I was looking at all the junk on the ground of the wastes, and it reminded me of the coolest disney movie of all time; Wall-E.

I thought, "Hey, it would be kickass if I could have Wall-E travel with me, being able to make items out of junk, act as a personal workbench, storage container, and hell, even beef him up with a big laser!"

I think it'd be cool to have him follow you around, and he could search for junk, (tin cans, empty bottles, etc.) kinda like Dogmeat, and then, when you got those items, he could assemble them into some useful weapon or item.

Also, he could be lore-friendly, since he could be like an experimental robot or something. i don't know, be creative for the lore junkies..

Tell me what you think, and if it is possible!


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