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Lip Files Won't Work No Matter What I Do


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So far everything had been working great. I used this tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVFr20Nf0Ws and got lip files to work on my Fallout New Vegas geck. I had lip synched over 30 lines just fine, saved, and went to bed. I checked this morning and they were working fine.


However, when I put in more lines today it completely stopped working. I can get the audio to work fine in playback, and I can also get it to work in game. However, the geck refuses to generate a lip file. I don't think that using the oblivion method would work either. I think it may be an issue with the audio file, but I have no way of testing to see if that's true as all of the files I put in were already lip synched, and none of the ones from the second voice actor will work at all. I went to audacity and converted all of them to WAV 16 bit files, but it still won't work. Anyone know what's going on?



EDIT: Before you say anything, the Hz is at 44100 which is what I was told is the correct rate.

Edited by TheScout201
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Glad you got it sorted!


Everytime a mod author posts a problem and the solution, it helps.

Everyone of us has made these sorts of mistakes, and it's good to know we're not the only one.


Maybe sharing your experience with this will keep another author from tearing her/his hair.

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