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Are You a Litterbug When You Play Oblivion?

David Brasher

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no,in fact I never even considered it.Most stuff is useless to me as I make my own armor and weapons anyway.But it is kind of funny! ;D


While I also make my own armor and weapons, I also love to buy stuff, and I have to make a living somehow. So I either sell, destroy, or recycle all the clutter I don't want or need, and I have never littered. Tamriel is beautiful and pristine.


Advanced Magecraft has a recycle utility, you can set it to give you the full value when recycled, half the value when recycled, a fourth of the value when recycled or no value when recycled, according to your own insanity and preference. Cast a spell, clean up the road, maybe a make a coin or two.

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Ugh no way! ^^

My roads are absolutely clean, as I love the beautiful environment Oblivion provides. :)

I sell most of the stuff or I store it in some containers.

But I agree that fast traveling ruins the game. I do have my horse carriages which take me from one place to the other and I can sit back and watch the beautiful scenery passing by, or I call my dragon and fly... :)

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i go out of my way NOT to litter,or even disturb an item that's placed just add "color" to the background.For to reasons i do this:


1 its a miracle my computer can even run Oblivion,thus any item that isnt supposed to be there lowers my fps,even if it is a little

2 the fact that items dont respawn back in their place means that if you dont clean it up its gonna be messy like that forever.I try and keep it clean :P

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At some point in the game I tired of selling the mass amount of expensive items I found (like daedric armor etc.) So I put all my gems, weapons, amulets, rings and armor together in one massive pile in the middle of the market district. So there is a massive pile of expensive items sitting there. The beggars are wading through it and still they ask for money!!
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I've never had the need to drop anything because my characters are always very strong and I only ever take things that I can sell on for a good price.
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You people sound like you need to mod yourselves a medieval dumpster.


Though I have nothing against using area effect spells in people's houses. :D

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