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Are You a Litterbug When You Play Oblivion?

David Brasher

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I hate to litter, I think it makes the world go ugly, so I don't do it if I don't really have to... And I don't! =) Since i use Midas mod which has a Summon Chest spell where I just put all my stuff. Always handy in a treasure filled dungeon.
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I'm a terrible litterbug. Early on, I strip the road bandits and throw anthing I can't carry on the road so I can come back for it later if I like-- I may need the money, and bodies dissappear.


Once I get into a town, I drop everything I want to sell outside the appropriate merchant, sell it when I need to or when I'm looking for a skill bump.


The street in front to the Coinpurse is awash with stuff at this point. Townsfolk kick it along before them, and random bits have ended up all over the district.


The beggars stand knee deep in daedric weapons, and ask for gold...

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i used to do that a lot.

About 3 months ago i was in an alyied ruin (vilderin or somthing)

JUst about to the end i was over encumbered, so i dropped a bunch of stuff.

I came back,like, a month later and thought i hit the jackpot :biggrin: .

I noticed i litter a lot too.

I suggest getting a misc. value modn if your a litterbug.

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I keep the roads clean. in fact, if a weapon doesn't dissapear after the bandits respawn, i dump the loose equipment in their inventory so it will dissapear when they do(I gotta conserve game space on my crappy vista)


But I do enjoy trashing peoples homes and such. Maybe play some arrow bowling with their stacked dishes or book shelves. :P

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