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Completely eradicate all life in the Wasteland


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So I've played Fallout 3 a bunch of times, too many if I managed to finish both the PS3 and the Xbox versions on other systems than my own as well... But I never had a recording device and a wonderful graphics card before. So! I want to take a different approach.


I want to start off in the vault. And destroy everything in the game.


No quests.

No followers.

Every civilization in ruins because of me.

No life period, all world explored. Robots, children, animals...



Wondering if there are any mods already created that can enable this and could be added to one that makes the game more... well different than vanilla, difficulty and combat actually being important and stuff. Stuff that can disable essential NPCs, weapon mods, graphics enhancements... Open doors that require quests to access areas so I can stroll on in, kill everything, and move on.


Though I'm not sure if anyone would watch it, it would still be a significant achievement to completely clean out a game of all NPCs. Anyway, looking forward to hearing about mods created that I... >_> As a busy person that didn't bother searching for...


Oh and aliens. They die too.

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Well, if you want to eradicate everything, you could just go through every NPC and creature in the game and uncheck the respawn flag. Don't know any mod that does that except one for the Enclave. It was meant to make the Enclave no longer respawn after Broken Steel but the guy making it couldn't figure out how to do it so they simply don't respawn at all.

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