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Which Files to Upload?


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Hello, I have been creating the Tombstone mod and up until now I have only used TES Construction set to move Objects and write scripts. Well, After placing the stones I noticed a couple types of stones were not availiable for selection when creating a new activator (More specifically, the nifs were not there. I found out about BSA Unpack and was able to find the meshes I needed. I ended up moving the following files: icobelisk02, and icobelisk02b To the C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Architecture\ImperialCity Folder and was then able to select them.

My question is do I upload these and if so how would I explain the install process? More than a bit of a noob here, many :thanks: in advance :D

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When uploading a mod, you must create a Data folder (let's say on you desktop) and then put there two new folders, Meshes and Textures. The .esp file you create in the CS goes in this Data folder aswell. After this, open your meshes folder, create a new with the name of your mod and put in this folder the new nif you created/modified. The same thing is for textures, but in the Texture folder. It is inportant that in the CS set you set the paths of the nifs like you set the folders.


example (becouse i know i wasn't clear dx) : c:\program files\Bethesda softworks\Oblivion\Data\meshes\name-of-your-mod\yourmod's nifs


Be careful not so set the paths in the CS to desktop\data :P

Now after all this Zip, Rar or Zp the created data folder on your desktop and upload. :)

Belive me, when it comes to uploading i get so nervous and triple check everything before i upload anything.

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So... I Think I have this... Maybe... I Simply take the 2 files I added, icobelisk02, and icobelisk02b, and put them in a folder that places them in the same spot on other peoples installs?
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So... I Think I have this... Maybe... I Simply take the 2 files I added, icobelisk02, and icobelisk02b, and put them in a folder that places them in the same spot on other peoples installs?


BSA commander is particularly nice. It automatically does it for you. You can just get it ziped or make a bsa file.


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Okay Only New Files I used were in the meshes/Architecture/ImperialCity Folder. So I Copieed the two into there own meshes/Architecture/ImperialCity Folder. Then I zipped them, The .esp, and the readme into a 7z. That should work... right? Sorry for being so slow to catch on :P
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