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Cone helmets and caravans


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Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but:
Can someone make an updated mod, that gives some exp to trading from running all these companion caravans. Perhaps some other nifty ways to control/enhance the feeling of running a trading empire.
Also, could someone maybe make a mod that removes all these silly pointy cone shaped helmets that infest the game? And that weird caketin "thing" that some Vlandian lords have on their heads.. They hurt my eyes. :D

Oh and of course, a mod that actually lets one take over gang territory's would A-mazing as well!
Seems like, it was deffinetly meant to be a part of the game, but probably won't ever be implemented officially.

Just some things about this game, that I would love to see changed/implemented.. Sadly don't have the skills to do so myself, and won't be able to learn them either. :(
But cheers to hoping, one of you madly talented young folks, might be able to tackle some of these things. :)

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