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Rail Gun?


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So, I'd noticed that nobody has uploaded one of these yet, at least, not under that name.


A few suggestions...


I'm sure many of you have noticed the empty case to the right hand of the entrance in the tech museum, I'm also sure you've read the plaque next to it. If you want to know what I'm talking about... Go read it!


Ok, so this idea may be similar to the guass rifle in many respects, I'm hoping for a 'one shot then reload' principle, much like the gauss gun is currently, so, the reload time could vary depending on how much power you guys decide on (I'm thinking a large amount of power).


In respects of balance (and because it'd be quite kool), though I don't know if it's possible, you could implement some sort of 'knock-back' effect, for example, you fire and you get thrown backwards to some degree. It's only an idea and it may not work but if you could try then that would be ace.


Maybe have some sort of scope system?


Ok, so maybe I've gone a bit over the top with my expectations but I really would love to see something like this.


If anyone else has any ideas feel free to post them and we'll see which ones we like the most and such.


I'd help with texturing but I've not done anything with Fallout 3 before.. I've only worked with HL2 and L4D though not to any great effect.


Ok, so thanks for reading, if you have any questions feel free to get back to me.

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