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Mod usggestions on how to spend my gold


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Well gold is stock piling up and I don't have a way to spend it.


Can you think of any mods which would give me an incentive to spend my cash? Oblivion had a few mods where you invest cash and build a town or invest in a mine or industry. That kept you perpetually broke as you were always finding more gold to fund your investments.


Can you guys think of anything like that or any other suggestions on how to spend my cash?

Edited by Fender_Stat
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The only other mod I can suggest (and am currently using) is Golden Vendors.

This gives all merchants (including fences) 20K gold and a one day turnaround for restocking.


Yes, it's a "cheat", but the vanilla economy... if you can even call it that... Is so unbalanced during the mid-to-late game that you need places to sell your loot as well as have a varied selection the next time you go into a shop, hit up the the local blacksmith, alchemist, etc.


This mod can be found on the Nexus.


P.S -- Upon further research, there are a couple of mods that might interest you:


Bank of Skyrim


Economy of Skyrim


These allow investments, loans and interest accumulation to the base game.


I would also recommend Ish's Weighted Gold to augment the above mods because Banks of Skyrim allows you to carry promissory notes (ancient credit cards, checks) instead of physical gold. This way it's more like real life where you have money for services & goods, but not an excess physical amount on your person.

Edited by MidevalGuy
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I've always thought once you become so wealthy it would start translating into political influence you should be able to improve the factions. The poor Stormcloaks are wearing rags, and if you side with the Imperials their situation isn't much better. The College of Winterhold is crumbling along with its city. If I care about these institutions and have enough money to raise an army, well ... why shouldn't I want to fix the guardrails on the Winterhold Bridge or put some decent boots on the feet of my fellow Stormcloaks?

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The problem with the sinkholes is there are none during the adventure.


Case in point, I buy a horse from the stablemaster in Whiterun, and for the rest of the game my horse doesn't require any care. No shoeing, no grooming, no veterinarian services, nothing. Horses are far from cheap to maintain, but in Skyrim they are 0 cost.


Case in point, I hire a mercenary for 500 gold an I have him for the rest of the game, instead of having to continually pay him either weekly, or monthly. Hello Skyrim, he's a MERCENARY.


Case in point, I have 5 properties across the major holds, I have 5 stewards running them - yet they are apparently being run by indentured servants till they die and run my properties with pixie dust. Lets not even mention that the mansion in Solitude generates 0 tax revenues.........


The more you take on, the more expensive it should be - to the point where you don't take those things on till you know you can afford them. Want 3 mercenaries in tow, better find a way to cough up 1500 a week to keep them in tow, etc.

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