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Remove orange tint, but keep default darkness


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I remember wrangling with this problem a year ago. It's surprising that I can't seem to find a solution even a year later. Basically, as the topic says, I want to remove the orange tint so I can have pure blue skies during the day (and white clouds, for that matter). But at the same time, I am not a fan of pitch black nights, nor of bandaid modifications which "fix" said darkness, like lamp posts. I think my solution before was to use Fellout and just try real hard not to find myself in a darkened environment. Nevada Skies does the same thing, and its darkness adjustment doesn't really correct the problem.


A no-orange-tint mod (without arbitrary extras like dark nights) probably exists, and I'm just unable to find it on my own. But if not, I'm really hoping it's no big deal to find the variable in question and correct it. Anyone? ;p

Edited by Asterra
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