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Hey all,


Currently trying to do a Samus playthrough on SSE with the dwarven arm cannon. The problem—the only Samus armor I can find is an LE workshop file that I can't download to put in my Creation Kit, nor use https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ since the service shutdown a couple weeks ago.


This is the Samus' Varia Suit mod on the Workshop



What it looks like in game: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/23960773063545357/259F881E77F5E3078673F76AAF104175C1AD605E/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=#000000&letterbox=false (kinda sick, no?)


Can anyone help me obtain the workshop raw files, or an SE compatible esp? Appreciate it


EDIT: If you have LE installed, you can subscribe to the mod and find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\72850. Unsure what the mod ID number is but it'll be one of them. If you could send me that file through any file sharing means, all I have to do is use Creation Kit to make it SE compatible.

I'm open to "share" the file so anyone can play as Samus in Special Edition too, though this'll just be giving you clear directions on how to do it. Help a brotha out, cheers!

Edited by badz00ka
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You can use the official "STEAM CMD" app. You just need the app ID and workshop item ID in the following format: "worshop_download_item [app_ID] [item ID]". Some games need you to own them on steam, but most do not. You can log in anonymously using "login anonymous".

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