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Build Your Own City.


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My idea for a mod that I would love to see, is a spin on Ebonvale + Aspenvale and the other great city mods - and Build Your Own Home + Mixwater Mill.


I am not looking for a "tool" like Pocket Empire Builder; pretty complex.


1. The mod starts with a small warehouse, and a workbench.


2. Using the workbench, new "Buildings" can be constructed. The placements are predetermined for simplicity.


3. Each time a building is built, an NPC moves in.


The buildings should be the basic shop set, a multi-faith temple (alters of each religion) and an orphanage. It should feature a player ownable house. One building should be a farm (that comes with a field) and another should be a mine (that is accessable once built).


4. Perhaps some of the buildings can be upgraded: Maybe the player owned house goes from shack to mansion. Maybe, the Armorer starts with just a smelter, tanning rack and forge, then expands to having a workbench and grinding wheel. Perhaps the "improvement" also gives a second merchant, with more gold than the first, and a better selection item.


5. Perhaps the zones can be built, then expanded. For instance, start by building "Town Square." Once this is built, you can build 3 merchant stands; Alchemist, Hunter and maybe Morrowind Imports. Maybe build a "Plantation" which allows the construction of 3 farms, a mill/apairy/fishery.


It would be best if this town was away from Riverwood, and closer to a spot not used by most popular mods; There are a few really beautiful spots in the game on the East Side, North of Shor's Stone - and a nice spot on the west of Dragon Bridge. The town should also be cleanly destroyable; just like Build Your Own Home has the option to "reset" what you have done to rebuilt it anew.

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