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Building Set Request


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Hello all modders!! I am requesting that you mod up some cool stuff for me so I can build a house in oblivion. I have made a list of items I request below. Thank you.



1. Windows.(Like some windows with a blue tint I can put on my custom house. I'd like a triangle and a square at least)


2. Nice Wood planks.(So I can build my custom house. I'd like a simple light color wood and a darker color as well.....perhaps even another color of your choice)



3. Floor tile. (yes I know this may have been done already, but I'd like a gray stone color)



4. Bricks. (two different types: ones with mortar around them, and ones without...if that makes sense)



5. Wooden Beams.(So I can construct my house. I'd like several sizes that go along with the colors of the wooden planks)



6. Anything else you think would contribute to a house building set.


Thank you for your hard work!!

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Other than looking through the resources lists at Tesnexus or at ORE (Oblivion Real Estate) and other Oblivion mod sites, your chances are fairly low that someone will do this for you unless you're lucky and someone has some time on their hands.


Your list involves meshes as well as textures which is quite a bit of work.


ORE has a good list of building resources you can check out. If it's for a mod you wish to release make sure to take note of permissions required. Some of their resources are exclusive to their site users.




There is an good list of building resources at Tesnexus as well.

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I like your ideas, I suggest you download this:




And read stuff like this



And remember Google is your friend.





And if you get stuck, ask around the forums. There are people around who can usually help out.


By the way, I would not use those windows unless they were compatible with AWLS, easiest for now, to stick with buildings with those windows in them. I like lighting.

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Thank you both for your responses!!! I have really enjoyed Oblivion Real Estate (I didn't know it extisted). I have tried blender before and to no avail, despite tutorials and forums, I just don't have what it takes to be a modder. I have gathered enough mods now to build a house. Perhaps in the future a simple building resource will come along. Anyway, Thanx for your thoughts :]
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