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Strange lag on high end rig


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Hey there, so I did want to get some advice since I am running into a bit of a surprise with my new setup for AE. I recently bought both AE and a brand new computer which is a high end computer at this point. I am running the Nvidia 3080ti RTX and have a i9 as my processor and made sure they put PLENTY of memory. In short, a friend of mine that is VERY tech savy suggested the build with me and it's a custom job (and yes this is someone that I trust really does know what they're talking about). If it helps if needed I can give specs as needed if it helps you give people information on what is wrong.


So here's the deal: I would've expected that when running AE Skyrim with this setup I should be able to run near 58fps nearly all the time, and yet, this is not the case. Surprisingly I can find some spots with lag as high as 20 frames particularly in Riften and 10 in Solitude (ie. Dropping to 40fps in Riften and 50fps in Solitude for some reason with minimal added npc's). What's more is that I don't think I have anything that is particularly heavy on power at this point: I haven't installed mods in 8k across the board and in fact I am preferencing only 2k at the top since I prefer performance slightly over aesthetic. So I can't help but think I am doing something wrong, and/or, I am missing something that is causing the rig to not run at full power. It's like it's purposely hobbling itself when I know it has the power to run it at a high level. Is there any advice someone could give me as too things I just straight up could be missing because I'm not running that many mods and the one's I am I don't believe are too power hungry. At the high end I have Noble Skyrim at performance... running realistic waters at the lowest graphic setting, but I also do have nemesis in since I had wanted to change the combat style. I can give a more comprehensive mod list if necessary as well.


As I said, best guessing this somehow the computer is trying to purposely hobble itself when running this game. It's as if it's not supply enough 'oomph' to it and at times lags rather than dumping what it has into it. I have adjusted my Window's 11 to high performance power setting and while did up tick it a bit still seems to lag hard in some places. Anyway, help and advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Edited by Bigice5150
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Okay you can close this issue because I figured out the problem and it was as I suspected 100% my fault. So, turns out in my haste to get my brand new computer plugged up and ready I accidentally plugged the monitor into the 'wrong port'. I wasn't wired into the graphics card... I was wired into the motherboard. Which means this entire time I basically wasn't even using it which is why this beefy computer was struggling. Once I plugged it in correctly lo and behold it works flawlessly. So, just as advice for anyone that might have this problem: Your graphics card is located at the 'bottom' of the PC. If you are plugging it in higher then your most likely putting it direct line into the motherboard. So yeah, this issue is now resolved.

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