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Training bug


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I think that there is a bug that if your experience total is too close to the next level, trying to train is useless. You might try a console command to add the missing XP for that skill. Check the AdvSkill and player.modav commands to see which one might work for you. Example AdvSkill <name of skill> <points to add>. Just add a few at a time until the lvl advances. If I read the comments linked below properly, you should then receive (most) of what you paid for.


Check this out - https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/4413-bug-trainer-merchant-not-providing-levels/


and - https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimrequiem/comments/71jejz/getting_an_issue_where_skills_wont_increase_when/


https://skyrimcommands.com/avs - I do not know which heavy armor entry you would need to use for advskill vs player.modav (I used this last one often when killing a dragon would not give a soul).


One more link:



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