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RED TINT AFTER uGridsToLoad Can't fix it.


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Hey, just like the title says, I've used saveini and refini; after this I got CTD and thereafter red tint, the game runs fine, just the red tint in the game thats annoying. tried to delete the ini file with the prefs file in mygames, also the default ini in steam folder. Didn't work, disabled the cloud function in steam aswell.


What do you need to know to help me?


The general section in my ini in mygames looks like this:



uExterior Cell Buffer=64


Thanks for reading!

Edited by ChloeFrazer
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You need to get rid of the skyrim.ini after messing around with saveini. It regenerates when you use the game launcher and fixes the red tint issue AFAIK.

Here's the thing, i missread something earlier, what fixed it for me (for anyone in the future having the same problem) is not only deleting the inis and pref metioned above, but i didn't delete the second pref in skyrim>skyrim in the steam folder. so there's


1 default ini in steam folder, 1 skyrimprefs in skyrim folder in steam folder.

1 ini in mygames and 1 prefs in mygames.


However, after deleting them, verifying game cache, which didn't seem to do much, idk, i repasted these files just to see if it would work.

(fearing it would screw up my mods, deleting the inis etc. and everything worked fine, i wrote 7 and 64 in the general position mentioned in initial post in both mygames and steam folder, now im back and playing.



Acidzebra, what kinds of mods can this fix (removing ini's) screw up and what do i need to do to make them functional again? Reinstall all of them?

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