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Crash and Errors Only in Wasteland


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Step 1 Create a merged patch. name it test 1 and save it. like so:

[ http://imageshack.us/scaled/large/20/y03p.jpg]

Step 2: run fo3edit only this time uncheck all except what you just made, make sure it's "NOT" ticked in fomm. we just want what ever was picked up but tesedit as conflicting mods.


when it loads up, on the right and the lfet it will have the mods listed. on the right you can clip and paste the data to a text file and send me that.


in the left you can post an image of it so I can see the names of the files in question and I can download and install only those mods.


as they are the only ones that are in conflict, they are the only ones I need to inspect.


the Claim, / complaint is, gradual crashing, or freezing up after so much time OR instant CTD on exiting an interior cell.


If I do this, there is one thing you can also do to verify the problem goes away. untick those mods found in the sweep and run the game only don't save the game because if you do? you will end up with a corrupted saved game. we just want to find out if these mods are at fault.


a basic question asked, a basic solution provided. let's see what we find.

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OK. I'm sending the info now. Will be checking the plain game.


Also, its not going into interior cells. Interior cells work WONDERFULLY. Its moving around (I believe cell to cell in the Capital Wasteland). I think if I could get a mod where it only loaded the nine cells around the character and those only, I'd be in great shape.

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which ones, yours? or the ones I suggested? the ones on the nexus are clean as far as I know, if your saved games your trying to load won't load because of the data removed? that's normal. Not corrupted, you need to load a saved game that does not contain all those mods in it.


From the start, I think your trying to fix something already Embeded into the current saved game ,you can't use them, you must use a clean save with out that data involved.


the 1rst one here I posted is a completed fallout3 game, almost all quests and things with the DLC's. as close as possible shutting off any conflicting scripts from other mods.


the 2nd one is from a clean start, All DLC involved.

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Ah, but it's the mods I've been playing for. I could care less about the main quest. My problem with the Capital Wasteland crapping out on my in entirely about being able to get to the mod quest objectives.


Oh well.....


Thank you highly. Can't believe autosave did in 200 hours....

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