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Crash and Errors Only in Wasteland


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This is on the right hand screen:



[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "PrewarBlackSuit.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "G3A3 Elite.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "JAVM.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Attentater's Wasteland Economy.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "diy-uf3p-fix.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "diy.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "FineLeatherCoat.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "PureWater-VeryClearNoRad-.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "FreePumpkin-perk.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "FreePumpkin.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Gifts4Kids.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "I'll Touch What I Want.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "K9Breeds.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "fgScrapMetalCrafting.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "K9BreedsMoreDogs.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "K9BreedsPatchDLCPitt.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "K9BreedsPatchMMM.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Less_Blood.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "MegatonHealingMod.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Megaton Park v2.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "more nuka Q.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "NoStupidExplosiveCars.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "FollowersHire_ByCharisma_NoKarma.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Springvale+.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "fgWeaponDisAssembly.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "CFWR_EVE_LoadLast.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "rivet city.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "RobCo Certified v2 EVE.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Pfix1.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "RobCo Certified v2 FWE.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "RobCo Certified v2 Omnipatch.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Arlington_Adventure_Engl.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Retooling.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "Feral Ghouls fight back 1.1.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "A Devil's Wish - Patch v1_4.esp"
[Merged 2.esp] Adding master "JIP Fast-Travel Anywhere.esp"
Only group records can be added to files

The JIPmod is the last mod, so it'd make sense it'd be the last to be added to the master list. In the left hand side was the Merged 2.esp, the new merge, in bold, and when I exited it asked to confirm save for the merge

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ok, cool now I understand, zip up that merged 2.esp and send it to me in E-mail, as you can see, I am ready here I thinK?//////


what I am looking for and I assume these files here are the bugged up ones?....is world space conflicts, Dialog data errors and cell errors.


with fo3 edit up ,and the patch engaged, you can multi taske error checking of all of those files at once. But, I am not sure your PC can handle it? It should....... we are looking for the same thing I E-mailed back to you earlier. Nav injections all over the place. Dnam records out of order .....all over the place. stuff like that.


if so? then all of these are verified to be in conflict. I am just staring at that list.....


don't know if I can get this right. But the astrix on the key board , click on the merged patch 2.esp in edit, hit the astrix key. ( * )

it will expand all, find deep dark red and screen shot that, upload or send me the shot.

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Only group records can be added to files <-- that is an error, something is really not right with a mod in there.


on error checking yes, you will see a ton of data errors listed as the master files they are drawing from are not here, MMM is one of them, this is ok, we are only interested in hard error codes that require no master files, data that is wrong, out of place. I will know what it is.

Edited by Purr4me
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It's been sent. The merged patches are only 250Kb or so.

got it stand by


manufactured these so far.





Lawbringer Boutnies Ver1.1.esp

Butcher Petes Meat.esp



Shadows and Dust - Southwest DC - Public.esp

The Mantis Imperative - Mantis.esp

The Mantis Imperative - Jello.esp

The Librarian - Market Comes Alive.esp

Hard Disk Drives.esp



FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp


Raider Combat Armor.esp

Lyons Pride T51b Armor.esp

Raider HeadGear.esp

Wasteland and Bog Outfits.esp




I need t o get some rest, be back tomorrow

EDIT: as you can see, I have produced no such:

Only group records can be added to files....in this.

So , there must me some other reason there that caused that error to pop. Running out of room here on the hard drive installing all those mods. But, the out come is what I thought it would be.


next step is this: move all of these out to the bugged up folder, and then the directory of the games daa folder should have only left fallout3.esm and the DLC core files. just the plugins are the fioles we move, touch nothing else, leave all yellow folders alone. don't touch bsa Either.


once done. take the known good files backed up on the desktop storage folder and put them back into the data folder and go back through this process. you should not pick up any merged data or errors at all. IF so, sort , and run these as is. the world space should respond normally.


And if it now runs correct ly. you can remove all of these out, put back the bugged up files and fix them, I suggest one plugina ata time and use the merged header as a selection method, 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. till you run the game and it crashes on you. Identify said file, Isolate it from the rest again into a new folder.


when you have completed this task, you have learned the basics of diagnostic testing, NOT repair. that's a really steep uphill climb.




Edited by Purr4me
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Well, I wanted to finish a mod or two, but I've been going through the files (didn't move them, deactivated and reactivated in chunks) Here's what I've found:


1. I've got major issues in getting Project Beauty, FWE and MMM (and possibly K9) to work together. Honestly it seems like it's just a matter of configuring the ungodly number of MMM files in the correct configuration.


2. Took out another three mods that were causing trouble, none all that important (Free Pumpkin and DIY)


3. It seems that I can run all the others with one caveat:


I cannot exceed the BA slot. At BB, and combo of mods causes catastrophic destabilization.


Now I need to figure out how to truly merge some files. I was thinking Crane fix and Springvale+ and Super Duper Mart (aesthetic fixes to the Pentagon, Springvale Elementary and a roof access to the Mart) could be merged into single file, as could a merge of FWE.esp and the FWE DLC.esps.


Will update if this turns out to be not the case.

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For my own use and the team has done too in the past, we have successfully merged all major mods into single files/ some esp, most in esm format.


what is found in primary merging is that sound/ voice files get left out in the processes, they are there but the format fources us to change way too much code, so, we keep the merged esp forms so later , again the merged mutibal mods can be further merged into a single file.


you sitting down?...I ask because the shear amount of data exceeds 100 gigs.


7 plugins including the majors. 7 files only.


just a hint as the complexity involved, 4 years to do.



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Wow. My computer barely has 150 gb. Now I certainly don't need to merge everything, just a couple of files, none of which have sound. But the merge files we made before with fo3 edit still required its parent does rather than making a consolidated file that works independently. Can I get some pointers on that?


In the meantime I will be searching for a thread on how to set all of those big mods together.

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fallout utility version 1.3 is whats used to merge the files,

Fo3edit 3.0.15 is whats used to edit the strings with before merging the files.

to that effect, and depends on the mods, only some data can be merged with fo3edit, not all.


the methods involved to your concerns involve knowing the data ,Dialogs can't be edited at all with version Fo3edit 3.0.15, But they can be edited with 3.0.31, here is where it requires a great deal of knowledge and use of that tool. You can NOT have the scripts in line for this old game made for it because it pulls in data other than whats required, when it saves the file, it's been seen other data NOT needed gets put into the file. We know this because just after a saved esp of that, we try to load it up into the geck and the geck just chokes on it, or will not save it.......the crash dump shows errors from ( <Unknown>) data.


But. once known what data and where, you can re-edit the files by Striping it clean, literally taking the mod that has dialog in it apart, saving only relevant info for that part of the mod, basically building a new esp that has NO targets.


before load this thing up into the CK< you use Johnz fo3 utility to save it, that returns the version code back to (0.940000)<--- this is whats getting changed or Rather other data that points to it in the file. If you edit a new vegas file using the new Vegas format, that code will not run in fallout 3, it needs to be re-ported to match the engine. a lot of mods, have been updated...this word "UPDATED" <------- this is misdirection or misconstrue as a betterment.


it has caused too much misunderstanding here to swell up and pop ! you do not Update 1.7 (0.940000) codes to match new games structure.


as with vanilla engine , it's version and codes have to be altered to the "Updated fallout3 version code of 1.7 GOTY edition" Not outside entities software, the games engine only.


the geck, AKA construction kit, Garden of creation kit. version ( can only be installed over top of the Vanilla retail version of the game, Not steams version, steams version of the game is already 1.7 not


all of this is a lot to know, and a lot more information needs to be known to merged data on a massive scale.


small scales is easy. for fo3 edit. you pick only two files at a time. you decide which files has the mos scripting and dialog in it, that is the target file, data is to be merged into, the file you want merged int o it can not have the same dialogs or scripts in it. Objects, some require FORM ID: changes if the out come of what you merged is to be a separate part, a lot of mods borrow from other mods, or the game. some can be over written, most of the time, you find out if there is a problem at merge time using Fo3 utility NOT tes edit., Fo3 is Java based. it tells you about duplicates, when you see it stop and ask you if you want to continue due to 0z renaming internal data in the esp, adding redundant data? you stop, go back and find out why the edit did not remove " Identical to master data from it.



  • Target file is the master.
  • file intention will be the slave to be merged, It needs to be edited twice. the master files name needs to be in it's header.
  • you then clean that slave file " remove identical to master from it, save it re run it, re-edit it, and remove the structure ? master file name from it. save it.
  • re-run and verify it load in tes.
  • save it, load in Johunz utility and see if IT cry's foul !, if not, see if it save the file? if so, now your ready to load up the master file, and merge that one.......and make sure it goes. and save it. if all works as intended, you end up with a clean merged file and this file will now load into the geck.

some mods....LOL....are just pragmatic, data ...comes from other sources, and methods, or mistakes. (Updated) <--- is a horrible word. You can't update fallout 3 (1.7 any higher.) that's it.


You can update your mods yes, as in adding more content or changes to it's functions, but those changes need to be reflected in the right way, not misleading other to be-leave so sum mystical code base from some other program that will make 1.7 run better?


I recently helped a young person do just that. here, some where. he made a mod, only his mod was made with steams version using the vanilla geck.


not ( updated patched geck. Because of that, his code base in the esp was (0.340000) and not (0.940000). what this does is cause not only CTD, NON load up capability but also send Boss into a temper tantrum too. Tsnip will tear it up, Fomm will not load it. the game will not load it.


and the user? is unable to (UPDATE) his geck on top of this.


this is whats has been seen so many times. Fo3edit has been abused , incorrect usage, and malformed mods slip through the cracks. Because of not reading things, or They do read and do not comprehend what they read.


sorry for the book / easy. I read a lot, and your posts, so i know you by them and the level of understanding between us on this subject.


  1. Project Beauty, FWE and MMM<----- handled, Blackended already done in patch form only. permissions are whats needed to make custom mods. I can't offer that.
  2. (Free Pumpkin and DIY)< --- I have no idea what that is?
  3. Crane fix and Springvale+ and Super Duper Mart (aesthetic fixes to the Pentagon, Springvale Elementary and a roof access to the Mart) ?

any thing touching (Spring vale Elementary) beware ! too close to the avatar of doom there. vault 101 fast travel to and from that spot is a know bug in the game so any tampering in that area is high risk and as far as I know, the sound ring seen in the geck for the spawn marker on fast travel is off set.


when fast traveling to it, the school, you are placed right outside the door, but the marker is 50 feet out from the building, and the sound trigger surrounds a wide swath there. The building it's self has a ginormous collision Block in it. Default. that sound marker traveler right through that block, so once in, you can't fast travel out because of the connection there. once out side that ring of influence ? you can now fast travel back to vault 101.


this is a known bug, whats not know is what I just told you here. I can say...have at it. Street lights places objects in that zone. dead center.



I'll watch for you. have fun.



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