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Adding scars to NPCs

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I'm just wondering if anyone can help me with a problem I'm having with adding scars to NPCs faces.


I'll add an actor, and add scars or damage in the face section. I click OK, but when I go back in the damage has disappeared and the entry isn't there. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Go to the "Character Gen Parts" tab. Select the section you want to add an entry to and add your entry. Select your entry and choose a "Face Tinting Color" with a value != 0 in the right box next to the entries in the tab. The "Face Tinting Color" value controls the opacity of your entries, so you can play around with scars and tattoos etc. and make them appear more natural . If the value is 0, the entry will be deleted upon exiting the window afaik - which logically makes sense, since it's redundant to keep the entry if it's not visible anyway.
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