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Adding a Common Follow Script


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I'm redoing a popular mod with permission from the original authors to do whatever I want with it. Everything is going great so far except for one thing. The mod contains a standard companion, NOT a CM companion. As such I need to add a standard follow script, can anyone tell me how to do so?
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If you mean, you just need someone to follow you. You just need a package for in the AI of the npc.

which depends if you need: either one that's escorting you,

or one that follows you.


next to that it depends on when you companion is added,


if its part of a quest, you don't need any scripting. Just add quest conditions to the package conditions.

if you did somehow otherwise, you could use scripting, but you probably added dialogue, so I don't think this is the case.


if you want to add follow and wait to the companion. you just need to add an addition to the quest-script or add a quest script.


scn CompanionRelatedQuestscript

short follow
short wait


in dialogue, you then need to add in the result script, (placed under the dialogue) something like:

set (same name as in Getstage) Quest.follow to X (1 or 0)

;for inside the followdialogue resultscript
set Quest.follow to 1
set Quest.wait to 0

;for inside the waitdialogue resultscript
set Quest.follow to 0
set Quset.wait to 1


Hope this is what you need.


Good luck.

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