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I am looking for a Wayshrine Map Markers Mod?


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PROPER LINK for that

(Its one of the old tessource links. if you ever find them, change the "tessource.net" to "tesnexus.com")

That mod would be the way to go, for playing properly.


For the cheaty way, there was a mod called "Wayshrines in the University" or something similar - unfortunately cannot find a link for you for that... (and it does what the name says... one of each wayshrine in the Arcane University entrance area.

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I downloaded the mod, then I went to the Oblivion Mod Manager and I checked the Wayshrine Map Markers checkbox; then I clicked the Activate button. Then I loaded Oblivion, but there was nothing new on my map. Is there something else I have to do? I am new to this whole Oblivion mod thing.
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did you bother reading the description"


The markers are not visible until you approach

the wayshrines but will show up as landmark

icons on your compass. If there is sufficient

interest I will update the mod and make the

markers visible immediately.

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Exactly, but next to that.

In this particular quest you receive note containing a map with locations of wayshrines

you require for continuing

. There are many more though, but those were given for free. With the mod you just used

it should be fairly easy now to find them. :rolleyes:

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