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So, after another modding spree and dredging through walls of text, I am enjoying a bit of new content in Oblivion. Trouble is, I'm really loving it. I could go on and write a huge spiel and waffle on, boring you with walls of text, but I'll make it REALLY short.

We (read: I! :P ) need more LightGUTS armours.


If someone was legend enough to make (or convert over) some more armours to this, I'd love you forever (and then some :) ).

Or, if someone can point me in the direction of a tutorial for converting meshes from one body mesh to another (keep in mind I am a COMPLETE UTTER NOOB when it comes to actually making mods) so I could possibly even do this myself - assuming you give me a tutorial that an idiot like me could understand.


(and if it makes it better for you, insert whiny OMG I NEED THIS NOW comments here :D )

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