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Is it possible for a mod to unequip mask/equip mask when entering/leaving interiors?


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I have never made a mod before but I just might have to learn for this. I play survival where radiation is on constant in exteriors, such as for overhauls like FROST and others.


Is this a complex mod... or even possible to create for a newbie?


I have tried outfit switchers but I was looking more into auto unequip based on interior/exterior trigger.


Thank you



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It is scripting which will be complex if you know nothing about creation engine and the game systems.


Simple outline: attach a script to the player directly or via a quest reference alias that uses the event OnPlayerTeleport to test IsInInterior and then either EquipItem or UnequipItem.


Thats the EZ bit.


The difficulty is detecting what is/isnot a face mask to equip and unequip as there is no simple "I am a facemask" attribute. Approaches based on IsEquipped fixed item lists, or WornHasKeyword (AnimHelmetCoversMouth, ClothingDogmeat, pdn_PowerArmor_Helmet & others) or simply UnequipItemSlot 49 (mouth) and hope. Depends on the level of quality you are looking for.

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