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7 Days To Die

Mod Idea


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Okay I really want this idea to come to fruition so I'm posting it here in hopes someone more knowledgeable will use it. I want a mod that uses makes normal zombie spawns react to the heatmap and sound in a more immersive way. Gunshots and explosions need their sounds to travel much further and attract zombies from far away. They should also react to the heatmap and seek out places where heat has accumulated to a certain level or beyond. Wherever the player goes should also accumulate heat. I saw the Improved Hordes mod and kinda got my hopes up, but that mod at least for the time being seems to only affect wandering hordes, which aren't a mechanic I'm really fond of because their numbers are too clumped together to really present a threat. The danger of a zombie apocalypse is numbers. Not only numbers but becoming surrounded. Anyway I've been testing different things in xmls and nothing seems to work. Adding back a range value to the sound xml does nothing and neither does increasing "noise". I could set a gun to be as loud as 100,00 and it still doesn't travel further than somewhere between 50-100m (I'm not great at judging the distance but it's not very far, trust me) which is the same as if I changed nothing.

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