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new stealth animation request


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Does anyone have a neck snapping animation or want to make one , because I love stealth based characters and such and don't like using blades or arrows mainly because its a waste of weight and such, for bare hands there's no neck snap animation for a quick and quiet sneak kill , please someone PM me if you have the animation or would make one or make multiple new silent kills thanks :thanks:
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yea I have it and its cool but I would like a bare hands silent one because I'm making a stealth based faction for my game and wanna make it all sneaky and what not
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Maybe editing the neck stabbing animation would be so hard- - to someone with some expiriance with animation. The premison to use the neck stabbing anim would be needed to do this and i'm not sure just everyone can get it.
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that could be true, are there any stealth based weapons? I really am basing my whole new faction off of stealth and really need more stealth based items like strangling wire or something, poisoned blow darts anything really would be nice , animation or anything,
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