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ZGzjssxsmf - BANNED

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ZGzjssxsmf banned

Attempting to stir up drama
Provoking, discriminatory and particularly offensive remarks toward another member and a group of people


14 June 2022, 07:29 PM

You are a shameless man who betrayed his country
You're not giving your opinion there's a conspiracy behind this
There is only one *country* in the world There is only one *country* in the world There is only one *country* in the world
Any action that challenges *country*'s sovereignty is regarded as a declaration of war against the *nationality* people
You don't deserve to be *nationality* and get out of *country* with your white and black people
Edited by ZGzjssxsmf, 14 June 2022, 07:39 PM

15 Jun 2022 - 07:40 AM (posted for six times on an image comment thread)

My *lanuguage* is the best
All I know is that you betrayed your country You betrayed your own people
Your idea of freedom is deleting other people's comments Turn off comments There is only one *country* in the world
There is only one *country* in the world There is only one *country* in the world There is only one *country* in the world
Any act that provokes *country*'s sovereignty is a declaration of war against the *nationality* people
Please take your white people and your black people and get out of *country*
f*** you son of a *censored* Wild backwardness shameless white pig

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