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Galac Tac Retribution CBBE Bodyslide


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Hello, I've posted a few requests on here before that have gone unanswered so hopefully this one doesn't. I know it's "easy" to convert outfits from vanilla to CBBE. However, I lack the patience, advanced knowledge of bodyslide, and more importantly in this case, TIME to handle a CBBE conversion of this mod. I've been trying for a month now to get this rolling and can't seem to handle it. So I'm putting this here in the hopes that somebody capable enough finds it and is willing and able to handle a conversion and bodyslide for this awesome mod.


Link to mod in case it's needed / to save time:


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  • 1 month later...

Yeah I certainly hope someone does that. If you use a CBBE body the mod seems to make the game unplayable, and weird texture glitches ensue with certain outfits. But I know the modder has this incredibly warped view of people who use body mods, which kinda killed me ever wanting to try it anyways.

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