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Adding a race to vanilla armor


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As mentioned in a different thread, I'm working on creating a race that encapsulates the Type3F body, a texture I slapped together today, and a head I haven't yet found. As it happens, there exist a number of meshes for vanilla armor for the Type3F body (via Fallout3Nexus, but almost certainly usable in New Vegas as well). I have recently realized that my custom race will not be able to wear the armor she finds (or, at least, not without her body instantly changing to the default.. and I'm not even sure that'll work anyway). Unless I figure out, or am told, the method for adding race flags to all the armor.


Yes, it'll involve the GECK in some capacity. I know at least that much. ;p But the specifics are buried behind either dozens of hours of trial and error, or somebody just straight up telling me what to change. I figured I would try begging help from the experts.

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This isn't Skyrim. There's no such thing as "race flags" in Fallout, because all armor wearing races are human. The best you can do is make duplicate armor forms and swap them out via script when adding them to your character and to any other NPC or container. Check out luthienanarion's work with the CoTW expansion.

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