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Playing Oblivion on Acer Extensa 4420, making mods work and gameplay (


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Currently working on the Acer Extensa 4420. Bought it while travelling around with oblivion because I heard oblivion had good replay value. I've tried my share of fiddling with mods, making my own mods, etc. went off to finish some college classes and now I am confused on how to do this stuff and forgot which mods I got to work together to make the game look nice, was fun, but also didn't lag as much. So I'm wondering if people could give me hints or lists on mods that should work for my laptop.


Link for specs on my laptop





Final Fantasy

Skipping the dang main story but still setting off all it's triggers so I can play the after main story mods (like the one where the suit of body armor takes over and you start killing people)

Good graphics without much lag

Companions (personally I like personality in my companions, and or good storyline like romancing ahnassi)

Good animations for main character (I've noticed some animation mods carried over to other people, but I want it to be unique to my character if possible.)


Anyways let me know what you think. I'm currently tinkering with OOO and some other character creation mods.

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