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Trouble with Companion Affinity Triggers

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Hi Everyone! Would love some help on getting companion affinity dialogues to trigger.


I've scoured EVERY single post in these forums that had the word affinity in it and have dissected multiple companion mods off the nexus and it SEEMS like I'm doing everything correctly, but for the life of me, I cannot get my custom companion to

trigger his dialogues. (The ones where piper is like "Can we talk?" at different affinity stages)


What I've done:


-affinityscenehandlerscript is attached to the proper quest (Test_man_dialogue)

-Threshold array works perfectly. Testman has no problem reaching any Neutral/Admiration/Idolization threshold with the proper messages.

-Testman has no issue liking any of the CA_EVENTS (drinking alcohol for testing purposes)

-Created a similar system to the vanilla (piper in my case) quest stages (Friendship Scene/Friendship Forcegreet/Friendship Scene end) with the proper script fragments adjusted to my custom companion. It compiled perfectly, so there were no issues there.

-Created a barebones Friendship dialogue sequence just to test. (Tried it with CA_WantsToTalk at both 1 and 2 with no luck)


But when I get in game and get to these thresholds, Testman will never initiate dialogue and I don't know what I'm doing wrong for the life of me.


Any help would be absolutely, greatly, amazingly appreciated. I've come to the limits of my ability to troubleshoot/backwards engineer.


I'm also available on my discord: Zolariel#2048 ( why yes, I am that desperate!)


I have another test mod that DOES do the affinity dialogues but i have not done ANYTHING different

than the above steps. I'm not comfortable with a mod that works but only by accident.








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Have you checked FollowersForcegreetPackage?


It has several conditions.. if one them is not met, the companion can't forcegreet you.


Most of the conditions are actor values. (E.g., Console: "RefID.GetValue E1D04").

Edited by LarannKiar
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Have you checked FollowersForcegreetPackage?


It has several conditions.. if one them is not met, the companion can't forcegreet you.


Most of the conditions are actor values. (E.g., Console: "RefID.GetValue E1D04").


Thanks so much for the reply!


So I somehow managed to get it to work...by removing the CompanionActorScript and redoing it. It seems that every time I make an edit (or in my case, deleted the Dialogue Test quest and made a new one) simply replugging in the values isn't enough, I have to completely remove the Companion Actor Script and replace it with a new one. (Is that normal? I can't tell with the creation kit if anything is a bug or a feature).


AND I managed to get it to work by removing the CA_WantsToTalk condition on the quest stage, leaving just the relevant scene to play.


As for the FollowersForceGreetPackage, I'm a little in the dark on how that works exactly. I understand it's used by the Followers Quest, but are Custom Companions (completely new npcs) attached to the followersquest by some default (through CompanionActorScript) or do I have to manually add Testman to the quest?


And as a side note, I'm unable to find where the FollowersForceGreetPackage is referenced in Followers Quest. I see Followerscript, and I know I'll eventually have to add the affinity like events for the custom companion to the array there, but I cannot find the package itself. (I'm probably not looking in the right place.)

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