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I want to learn how to make mods and such... I was wondering what is the best program to use to make swords and stuff. Like what modeling program to use. If there is a tutorial anywhere I'm sorry for posting but I don't know where it is...
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Took me a bit of time to find them aswell, as I had forgotten where the tutorials were.(Long time since I last looked up the pages and the location was different now.) Anyway, here we go;


For those of you with modding ambitions is something you should read, if you are going to start modding more than just simple .esp changes. It gives some pointers on what you do need to look out for.


How to Make Mods provides info and links to almost everything you could possibly need in your modding endeavours, including links to tools you will need in each of the specific modding categories. Start from the basics and move on up from there once you've learned how the things generally work.


I'd also advice you to read up on the basics from TES Construction Set Wiki, to which there is a link from the aforementioned article.




P.S. Welcome to the nexus community, follow the rules and enjoy your time here.

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Sorry to ask another question but i can't find it in any tutorials... How do you extract nif's and such from the esp's and esm's?I downloaded all the programs necessary for making weapons and armor and stuff as it said in the tutorial and installed everything i needed but now I'm stuck again. Once again sorry for another question...
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The meshes/textures aren't inside the .esps, they're contained in their own subfolders inside your Oblivion\Data -folder


The meshes are all found in X:\xxx\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Meshes - folder and it's subfolders, assuming you've installed mods that add new meshes into the game. If you haven't, you can extract the base Oblivion meshes from the .BSA files with Oblivion Mod Manager - OBMM's BSA extract feature for example.


(Some screenshots I took a while ago to help a friend learn to use it.)





You can either use the "Extract All" function, or pick a single file and use the bit more basic "Extract" one.

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