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Give NPCs shouts in CK


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I'm experimenting with followers by turning them into Dragonborn with better AI. So far I have been quite successful except that the follower will only use one of the shouts that was given (with rare exceptions). The shouts that have been added are Marked for Death, Unrelenting Force, Frost Breath, and Fire Breath. The follower will only use Marked for Death, but if I remove that shout then the follower will only use Fire Breath. What I’m trying to ask is, is there a way to manipulate things like charge time, recharge time, Shout priority over melee, or voice points in a certain way to where the follower does not just use one type of shout?


Right now I’m using Amanda.esp from Girls of skyrim as my test dummy.



Never mind, apparently shouts have some inheritance in the way npcs use them. I was just play testing it wrongly and not using a diverse experiment.

Edited by DivineDragoon69
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