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Custom Race Menu


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This ties in to a previous thread I made, but I thought it deserved a new topic. Basically, I'm looking for a version of the race menu that only allows you to change makeup, war paint, dirt, hairstyle, and hair color.


I'd like to be able to change those options at any point of the game without having to visit the Face Sculptor or a mod added barber, something my character actually could change at anytime in the game on their own (although I guess hairstyle and hair color is debatable). I'm currently using a mod that adds a "Change Race" power which opens the Showracemenu without using the console, but I'm looking for a limited version of the race menu that only allows you to change the above mentioned traits.


While Hairstyle and hair color have their own submenu, something like makeup is integrated into the Eyes and Mouth submenus. So I'm wondering if it's possible to create a new submenu (or limited versions of the current submenus) that only have the above mentioned traits on them?

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