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Inventory item causing crash


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I have a 9mm pistol+ plus in my inventory that is causing the game to crash as soon as I move over it or enter a store and want to start trading.


I suspect it is modded with WMX, which I subsequently removed to try and narrow down the crashes.


How do I remove this item without having to move to it and right click (as this cases an immediate crash) Console command without knowing the item id? At this stage I wouldnt even mind clearing my whole inventory just to get rid of it...


Thanks in advance

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Open the console and dump your inventory to it using player.inv to see the IDs of everything you're carrying. If you have a ton of stuff, you might want to use scof sometextfile.txt beforehand, which will duplicate the console's output to a text file in the game directory so you can search through it easier. Find the ID of the offending weapon and use player.removeitem XXXXXXXX 1 1 to get rid of it.
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