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Complciatec (for me) OMOD creation


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So, I am a little anal-retentive about organization when it comes to mods and have decided to turn all the mods I use into .omods for simplicity's sake when it comes to uninstalling, etc... I am not a modder in ANY WAY, and have a VERY limited knowledge of how to create omods. I have been doing okay with the simple ones that only incude a few few mesh or texture files and 1 .eps. I start to get lost when there are several eps options and I'm totally lost when it comes to scripting. If someone has already made omods for a few of these, or wouldnt mind taking a few minutes to create them for me, I would be forever in your debt! :)


HGEC Body Seam Reducer

HGEC Fighter A-Dcupset

Pose Pack III and Erotic Oblivion Pose Pack II (especially this one! I seem to be having a lot of issues with this mod)

F-INevOblivion HGEC Textures (how can I make this work for custom races too?)


That pretty much covers it. If these have already been posted and I couldn't find them, I apologize. Feel free to berate me :)

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please disregard this thread. I have had too many issues trying to do everything as OMODs, so I went back to manual installs and just make a lot of backups of my data folder. I am having a lot less crash and stability issues this way. Thanks.
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