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How to tell when a .nif is BNB-enabled?


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Background: I cobbled together the avatar shown in these screenshots: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45445/? Did this by taking Mojave Delight and using the Geck to point one of its custom races to the unique T3F mesh and texture provided in that link. This allowed me to use T6M as the default female for the sake of NPCs. All this works.


But this one has me stumped. Whether my character is otherwise naked or not, and whether she is wearing "normal" clothes vs "high-heel" clothes, the only time BNB works is when she is wearing one of the shoes provided at the link. All of the shoes are high-heels and cause the model's feet to more tip-toed than normal. In other words, when she is not high-heel tip-toeing, BNB doesn't work. BNB does however work with the armor she wears, regardless of whether or not it's working on the avatar herself.


In Nifskope, all of the shoe models include the whole body, which leads me to suspect that what is happening is the custom race I modified is ignoring the skeleton.tif, even though my understanding is that every model should be using it. So in the end, what seems to be going on is that the actual Type3F femaleupperbody.nif provided in the above link (and missing from Exeter's downloads - he's the author of T3F) is simply not BNB-enabled.


So, two questions:

1: How can I tell, from within Nifskope or whatever, whether or not a given .nif is BNB weighted?

2: If it turns out that's all that's wrong, well, heck. Five minutes of work for whoever knows how to do it. I'd be willing to donate for the effort. Any takers? ;p

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Skip it. It turns out I was correct: The mesh provided in the link simply was not BNB-enabled. (Which is curious since all the upper-body armor provided actually requires a BNB body mesh.) There was a BNB-enabled T3F mesh buried secretly in the "Body By Race" upload. For anyone finding this thread down the road, it's the "Large Breasts" mesh in the optional body download.

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