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WiP: Enclave Power Armor


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I've been working on this model for the Enclave Power Armor.


However I have some questions and doubts about getting it in-game:


- As you can see, I'm using a different base mesh for proportions. Is it possible to tweak the existing skeleton or create a new skeleton and then get it to FO3? Keep in mind I havent touched on anything related to FO3 modding yet, so answer gently :P


Reasons I'm not doing this over the existing proportions are the fact that power armour in FO 3 are the same size as normal people (and it shouldn't be IMO), and I also regard this as a try-out for other stuff I may want to do (bodies etc).


Also obviously comments and crits are welcome :)

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I'm not too sure about the skeleton but im under the impression that all humans use the same one and that if you don't rig your model onto the current one that FO3 uses it'd end up weird.


Btw that looks unbelievable.


Where have you been all this time!!!!


Can't wait for this tbh

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Glad you like it :)


All this time I've been (and still am) modding Freespace 2, and honing my 3d and concept art skills to get a job in the industry soon, thanks for asking :D


Now to serious stuff: Yes I'm aware all humans use the same skeleton. That works well with male humans... sort of, but on females and power armor, it doesnt look to great IMO.

There isn't a way to script the use of another skeleton for when a character has a certain item (PA on this case) or according to gender?


I'll be honest. I really don't fancy modding this game if it doesn't allow me this particular liberty :\ But on the other hand I love the original Fallouts, and really really want to mod this game

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I believe you could make a new race and switch the NPC/Player to it when the armor is equipped (a similar thing happens to Moira when she turns into a ghoul)

There is also a mod that makes the player turn into a ghoul so this seems doable, you will have to use the default skeleton though unless you want to make all new animations (hundreds) for a new skeleton. But rigging your stuff onto the default skeleton and setting the scale for the custom race should be fine.


BTW that armor is EPIC!!!

I hope you make a low poly version, because that would lag a super computer :blink: (looks like Zbrush to me)

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Yes that's Z-brush... I'm aware I cannot use *that* particular model in game. I'm doing it in order to serve as a projection base for Normal and AO maps.


About the rig. Now we're going somewhere! :)


So what if I use the default skeleton, but obviously resize some of the bones to fit my armour proportions?


About that changing race trick, so thats also possible for NPC's right? I believe that in this case the smart thing to do was to add a global script that makes anything wearing this armor turn to race X and change size (forgive me If I'm saying a huge load of crap, I don't know zilch about programming or scripting :P )

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Well this Version of the Armour I do really like. Now it looks more realistic and more Enclave-ish. Really Good Work. :thumbsup:


Well its my take on how the original Enclave armor from Fallout 2 would look like. Glad ya like it


I'll try to get something more done tonight.

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