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WiP: Enclave Power Armor


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  Dragarr said:
Not only does that helm look good but from the looks of that wiremesh it is very low resource. ;)

Thanks! I actually believe I'll be able to use that mesh for the low poly version with minimal effort


  brothershogo said:
Was that done with NURBS?


The helmet was done by poly modelling+turbosmooth. It's now ready for a sculpt pass.


The body was done via a very very simple basemesh in Max and then sculpted in Z-Brush


I don't use NURBS, because I can get the same effect with polys with better control over what's going on. Actually nowadays NURBS are only usefull for industrial design stuff where you need exact measures for machinery to operate.

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Well we'll see when it comes to that then... I must confess I'm delaying off the game importing specifics as much as I can for now, because from what I've seen its a pain in the ass to get things working properly in-game yet. :\

Obviously any other comments or info about this matter are greatly appreciated.


In the meanwhile I have a model to finish :P

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Awesome! :thumbsup:




Have you used mudbox before?

I was thinking of getting either z brush or mudbox. Just was wondering what the major differences are between the two programs...


(sorry, off topic)

Thanks man

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Well I haven't used Mudbox before. But trust me when I say that Z-Brush is without a doubt the best option, if you can get grips with the fact that its interface is a bit out of the norm: It has more and better tools, a great support and learning curve in the form of free videos and wiki in their site, etc. Check out their Z Classroom and you'll learn the program in no time :)
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