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Perfect World


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It's no secret that the world is a terrible place. Violence, murder, rape, drugs, and much more. It runs our lives, actions; everything. The moment you step outside, this is obvious. The disgusting haze of pollution that hovers over the world, forever ready to rain down it's horrors onto an already blighted world. But the worst? Everyone knows, but nobody cares.


I took a walk the other day. I went out into this world for a reason I, myself, can't yet figure out. Maybe it was to find a solution. Maybe I was searching for a small glint of hope. Maybe I was just braving the storm of insanity. I'm not sure. But I went out and observed the world. The streets, the malls, the social hangouts. It was ugly, but at the same time, it was beautiful.


I walked the streets. Brick walls were covered in graffiti; the pinnacle of modern art. It screamed at me. Shouted messages in a broken language. I felt like it was trying to tell me something. To tell me how much the world hurt. Like a bible would preach it's religion, it preached the world's pain. Nearby, a bum lay on the ground. He was passed out. An open bottle of hard liquor in his limp hands. All that his money could buy him. He works so hard to simply forget it all at the end of the day. Can we blame him?


There was a coffee shop on the corner. Two guys sat outside. Two sickos sharing the name of "human". They shouted of sex and pornography to girls passing by. They berated school children and picked fights with those who were doomed with a similar stupidity. As I walked passed, they looked at me. Their eyes spoke their mind. In them, I saw hate. I saw a primal urge to hurt and kill. I kept walking. I couldn't care less.


The malls were no different. The mass of social parasites gathered in numbers. They talked about anything and everything. They wasted their money on the trivial and mundane. They complained about the sorry state of the world, as if they knew. If only they had eyes to see. To see how major a role they play in this mess. It made me sick. There was graffiti here, too. Unlike before, this was different. It didn't speak of the world. It was more of a mark. Photographic evidence of human deterioration. Displayed as if they were proud of how far they've fallen.


But I saw things I didn't expect. I saw happiness. I saw hope. I saw a small shred of sanity still fighting against the darkness. I passed a park. It was full of children; smiling, laughing, playing, having fun. The park was their world. A world for them to live in their own little worlds. Free and protected from my world.


Two blocks down, a man tried to rape a woman. A passer-by stopped him. A complete stranger took a knife for someone he's never met, so she could be saved from another horror. I stood in awe. Not because of the blood, or the misfortune to see this take place; but because someone had actually been there to help. My walk was over. I headed home.


As I walked through the door of my house, I dropped to my knees. Tears began flowing from my eyes. I had been so blind. I spent so much time obsessing over the bad. I had assumed the world to be nothing more than infection; a disease to our galaxy. I failed to see what I had become. Failed to see that I had become what I hated most. As I sat there; mind racing as the crying slowed, light from the afternoon sun shone in through the window. As I looked out of it, I could see the city. It looked different now. the haze of pollution, the towering behemoths of corporate offices, it all looked different. It had a glow to it; shining with an unnameable radiance. It was beautiful.


At that moment; that one fragment of time where a parade of emotions flared inside me, I realized something. For all that's wrong with the world, for all it's crap and blights, the world is perfect. Flawless in it's design and mechanics.


I went for a walk again. This time, I went to enjoy the good.

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Nice. that one walk opened his eyes to a completly different world.. it's almost as if he walked from one world to another.

Good moral too. a true "perfect" world might not actually be perfect.. in my eyes it would be extremely boring..not to mention some of the jobs i've had in the past might be non-existant. the world is filled with ALOT..lot lot lot...lot.. of bad..but more than enough good is born from it.


Another important thing.. considering we were born here,it's easy to forget or completly ignore the trials we have gone through, the many things we've invented to further our species.. your story kind of spreads the message.. you can walk around inside the city for years hating the things it has produced but looking at the same city from outside your window might just make you realize how wonderful the world really is.

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I'm pleased to see that the feedback this story gets is that of a deep interpretation of what is in this story.


And what you're saying is what I had in mind when I wrote this. A world to good is far from perfect.


The inspiration to write this story came from when I looked out the window and said to myself, "For as bad as the city can be, it looks so beautiful from right here.


I guess you can say this is my way of speaking my mind.

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I was really caught up in reading this, not being able to even move my eyes as I kept reading it. :cool: I do agree with the idea of the story. While the world has its flaws, there are still many more good facts of living in it. There is no such thing as a "perfect" world, even though certain things could be better... Still, the world could be far worse than it is...


But that's more on the debates side of things. I really enjoyed reading it. I would like to see some more of this sort of work in the future. Thanks for sharing it! :thumbsup:

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Yeah i agree. There can't be a perfect world. When the world is perfect for some people, other people will disagree again. The world will never be perfect, as nothing can be without flaws. But flaws aren't always a bad thing. So even with flaws, the world is still perfect in her way. Great story by the way :)
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Well, what I'm saying in this is that the world is already perfect. It's perfect in the fact that it's complete. It has everything and lacks nothing.



And glad you guys like it. :)

it lacks compassion,cures for diseases,friendlyness,tolerance and understanding.This world is far from perfect,but its all we have. Nice story!

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I guess you're right. I've just been influenced by a line i read in a comic



"Know that, for all its troubles, the world is perfect. Flawless in its beauties and turmoils. Violence and nightmares being a natural product of humanity." ~ The Devil(aka Senior Diablo) to Johhny; Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.


I guess it's all how you interpret perfection.


Glad you like the story.

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Well, what I'm saying in this is that the world is already perfect. It's perfect in the fact that it's complete. It has everything and lacks nothing.



And glad you guys like it. :)

it lacks compassion,cures for diseases,friendlyness,tolerance and understanding.This world is far from perfect,but its all we have. Nice story!


Desi I think you are mistaken except for the cure of some diseases. Compassion, friendlyness, tolerance and understanding is out in the world in abundance. But to truely appreciate them you have to have thier opposites so they have true meaning.


One of the problems of our times is the negative media machine which appears to highlight every bad thing that happens in the world and only give lip service to the good things which tends to colour the way joe public sees the world,


I have seen the truely evil and I can teel you that the opposite compassion,,friendlyness,tolerance and understanding is alive and well.


Take yourself for instance, you show all of these virtues as do many who reside in these forums.

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