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[Mod Request] Upgrade light Sources (torches, sconces, iron torches) with flametal/surtling cores


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could someone make a mod where one can

upgrade placable torches/sconces/iron torches for the base with surtling cores or flametal ore, so they burn indefinitely without the need of fuel.


I know there are mods like Eternal Torches which give us indefinite torches already, but they are rather unbalanced in my opinion and i haven't found a mod yet where one has to put some effort into such an infinite light source.

Sconces and iron torches consume less resin indeed, but in a large, fully lit base refilling them is still a tedious task and drains the resin reserves quite a bit.


I think, having to upgrade existing torches with mid-end game materials to get infinite light sources would balance infinite torches a bit while still removing the hassle of refilling them.



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