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[Challenge Request!] Functional Lock spell


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Hi there! :D


So far, there are tons of Open spells for the sneaky Alteration user, but there's only one that adds a "Lock" spell. Problem is that I've tried it, and while it "technically" works (the door/cage door/etc. appears as being locked), NPC's and monsters can still open them most of the time.


What I'd like is "something like that", but much less random and more complete: a set of 5 Lock spells (Novice, Apprendice, Adept, Expert, Master), each with it's respective 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% chance of an NPC NOT being able to open a door every X seconds (suggestions about how many checks per second/s are welcome). The duration of the spell (either to lock a door permanently, or make it time-based) is also open to discussion (although I kinda like the time-based option (30? 60 secs?)...it could make the spell a bit less overpowered).


If that'd be way too impossible to do (due to Papyrus/game constraits), I'd be just happy with an universal, 100% reliable "Lock" spell with a 100% chance of an enemy not opening a door...but as I said, this only if the first way is just impossible.


So, anyone up to the challenge? :D If you've any questions or you lack certain details of this req, please feel free to ask.


And thanks for trying - and reading :smile:

Edited by Benrahir
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